SX-70 Alpha M is here! Only twelve units available for the initial release. Learn more and secure yours here. SX-70 Alpha M is here! Only twelve units available for the initial release. Learn more and secure yours here.

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Tuesday to Sunday / 1:00 - 7:00
Monday / CLOSED


855 Grand Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211

855 Grand Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Tuesday to Sunday / 1:00 - 7:00
Monday / CLOSED

Polaroid SX-70 :: Alpha M, Sonar

$875.00 $700.00

2025, USA

► Fully Restored
► One Year Warranty

After four years of development and one year of refinement with camera engineer Polanthropy, we are THRILLED to finally launch Alpha M! This is the first manual SX-70 camera requiring *no* external adapter, allowing full use of the flash port and preserving the integrity of the camera's original design.

Alpha M marks a huge step forward in modern SX-70 technology. It's equipped with a proprietary PCB and modern components that allows the user to gain full control over their camera. This unlocks ultra-fast shutter speeds (up to 1/8000) not previously available, more stable exposure metering, Bluetooth connectivity (explore the app here), and a host of other great features that are outlined below.

We are initially launching a batch of just 12 units at the enormously discounted rate of just $700. Cameras from future productions will retail at a rate of $875. Enjoy!


Hello: When a pack is inserted, the Alpha M greets you with a double shutter click - its little way of saying “hello”!

Haptic Feedback: As you scroll through the settings, the camera provides gentle, haptic response to indicate when settings are engaged.

Everything Contained: All shooting options are possible within the camera itself which differentiates Alpha M from every other manual SX-70 option. The Alpha M App acts as a "remote" that's perfectly in-sync with the camera yet it is not required. There’s no need for dongles, phones or any other device to use all of the features. Everything is possible right in your hands, just you and your camera.

Quick ISO Toggle: Alpha M allows you to shoot both 600 and SX-70 films interchangeably. Switching between 600 (ISO 640) and SX-70 (ISO 160) film is easy. Simply hold down *both* buttons, listen for 3 clicks, and the display will indicate the updated ISO setting.

Shooting Modes: Auto, Manual (1/8000 - 1S), BULB, DoEx (Double Exposure), CoUp (Close Up)

Aperture Range: f/8 - f/96

Flash Sync: Flash bars and PC adapters will fire on any setting, allowing for studio strobe use and expanding creative possibilities.

Film Counter: An updated film counter on the LCD tells you exactly how many shots you have left rendering the original film counter obsolete.

Light Meter: On manual settings, real-time light meter information is displayed on the LCD at all times, ensuring you’re ready to make a great exposure.

Default to AUTO: If you’re in a rush and want to take a shot quickly, you can rest assured that your camera will be set to AUTO immediately upon opening. Just open your camera and shoot! If you’ve later changed to a manual setting and want to quickly reset it to AUTO, simply open and close the film door; you’ll see a tiny animation on the LCD indicating that the camera is ready and back to the AUTO setting.

Double Exposure: Making double exposures is as easy as it gets. Simply select the “DoEx” setting and go for it! The camera is calibrated to expose automatically to ensure you get a great image every time.

Multiple Exposure: Alpha M grants you the ability to make as many exposures as your heart desires! Hold the shutter button at the end of any manual exposure and it will engage Multiple Exposure Mode. The camera will count down five ticks and give you a confirmation shutter lock, at which point the shutter button can be released. Once the shutter is locked, you can use any other setting available to create your next exposure (i.e. 1/250 then BULB). If you stick with manual exposures you can repeat the shutter lock as many times as you like - the sky is the limit. The camera will keep track of how many exposures you have taken by displaying rectangles for each exposure on the LCD screen. Note: This setting DOES NOT stop you from overexposing like DoEx mode does. Full manual control is in your hands.

Close Up: Macro photography is now integrated and optimized! Simply select the “CoUp” setting and you’re ready to go. This setting closes the aperture dramatically (sometimes as far as f/96) depending on the distance from your subject. This feature is optimal for subjects from 3-feet to 11-inches away. We suggest using a tripod with the Close Up setting for optimal results as shutter speeds will be longer than usual as the camera will stop-down for maximum depth of field.

BULB: While utilizing BULB, a helpful timer displays on the LCD showing in real-time you how many seconds your exposure is lasting. The app unlocks more precise control over BULB mode allowing you to select exposure timing anywhere between 1 and 30 seconds.

Self Timer: No need for external shutter releases, a 15-Second self timer is built in! Hold the “down” arrow for 3-seconds and you’ll see “15” appear on the LCD. When you click the shutter, the number begins counting down *and* you’ll hear a small click each second, giving you both a visual and audible countdown. If you want to abort the process, simply open the film door before the timer runs out.

PhotoLog and GeoTag: Alpha M keeps a record of all 8 pictures taken within a film pack including shutter speed, aperture, date/time, and a GeoTag of your precise location when the image was made. This information is stored on the camera until a new pack is inserted. When you connect the camera to the Alpha M app, the log will be downloaded from the camera. Note: GeoTagging functions only when the camera is actively connected to the Alpha M app.

Analog/Digital Sync: When the Alpha M app is connected, the camera and app are in perfect sync, making your phone a secondary display of the camera. Changing a setting either on the phone or camera will update on both keeping them in sync.

Recommended Add-ons:

PLEASE NOTE: Product photographs do not depict the actual camera that you will receive but serve to demonstrate an approximation of quality. All of our cameras have been carefully examined, thoroughly tested, and detail cleaned by our Camera Department. Click here to explore our Warranty Policy.